Thursday, September 23, 2010

It is alway fun to ponder on stories you read in the BOM and think about what it must of been like to do some of the thinks they did. With Mildred teaching seminary we are always pondering how to help others visualize what happened back then. I have always wanted to learn how to make stuff with molten glass, so naturally I thought of the brother of Jared making molten clear glass stones. I think they maight not have been perfectly clear and might also have had some air bubbles and stuff in them but sure they could have easily looked something like these.

Now the thought that all like comes from God was well taught to them, Probably even more than to us because symbolism was used so much more to them. Taking them to the Son for light was a good sign of faith.
It was fun to read that when you have enough faith that the things you work for and seek for can become reality for you. Also the light then that you have can be taken into your lives and kept to give you strength and help you see better in the darkness of our days.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

More Pavers

When you still have more pavers you continue to find ways to use them. Just seemed natural to make a walk way from the patio to the gate in the back yard. Then noticing you still have more we put them down where we store the trash cans. Think I have just enough that we can connect the walk way to the shed. Just seems like one items leads you to do another. Starting to ponder about the next outage at work. Its sad when you start looking forward to them so the list of things to do at home can be put on hold without feeling quilty.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Well we have started to work on the back yard now. I know we should have done the yard during the winter and the bedrooms in the summer but then someone would think we had planned stuff. As Jeff knows and tells everyone "his parents don't know how to plan things ahead of time." So anyway we have enlarged the back patio area and have started putting pavers down. We are hoping to be able to get it covered also in the future as we can afford it.
Since all of the kids are now out of state we have invited the missionaries to move in. If my planning works out it will mean I will have help this year to put the christmas decoration up since there isn't any of my children to hire to do it this coming year.
We are all fine and doing good. Mildred is excited for Seminary this year and I am too because I plan on keeping up reading the D&C with he class.

Friday, March 26, 2010

My quilt

Been working on this for a couple of years and during this last trip to utah to visit mom i got the time to square my blocks up. Mom enjoyed watching me work on them and now that we are home i got to lay them out to see how they would look. Mildred likes it also.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

this is the craft room

here are picture of the rooms.

empty nest

Well the kids are out of the state and when you find yourself alone i guess you are finally forced into doing the list of projects that has been put off since the begining. We finally ripped out the carpet from the three bedrooms and started repairs of years living. didn't want to put new carpet down till walls got painted and getting rid of the old popcorn ceiling texture. Then when you move everything out to do that you start to see things you don't want to put back because you never use it anymore, (surprises in every corner). So here are some picture of the rooms going back together. We love the carpet even if Jeff thinks it is old people carpet. (not sure what young single adult carpet looks like)

Sunday, January 3, 2010

It has been a fun time having Jeff with us during the holidays. Not sure he was having fun the last 3 days having to help me build the new shed in the back yard.

A new year so thought it was time to update the page. Here is a picture just for my son that is now living in Germany. I'm sure he must be missing the chance to wake up and grab on of these before going to work.